You can use your retirement funds to open a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) account with Rocket Dollar to invest with Four Oaks Capital. Rocket Dollar makes it quick and easy to signup online, backed by the simple and transparent price of $15 per month (regardless of the amount of assets or number of transactions) and a one-time set-up of $360. You can utilize the code FOUROAKS to take advantage of $100 off. You will maintain all benefits of a typical retirement account, and if you are self-employed you may qualify for the Self-Directed Solo 401(k), which offers tax deferred contributions up to $56,000/year. For more information take a look at Rocket Dollar's Knowledge Base, schedule a call or signup online.
Why We Use Rocket Dollar
The fees are about ⅓ of your traditional Self-Directed IRA custodian
The fees are pulled from your credit card as opposed from being pulled from your IRA account
We at Four Oaks Capital appreciate intuitive design
They offer our investors $100 off the set-up fee with code FOUROAKS